Hourly Rates Analysis


The Hourly Rates Analysis function is used to compare current hourly rates in Define Hourly Rates to payrolls that were calculated in the selected periods before hourly rate simplification changes were made or when changes were made to the hourly rates.

The section on fringe benefits is used to display fringe benefits that will be calculated for future payrolls. If no value is displayed, the user should complete Social Benefits Management if necessary.

The “different” column is used to identify hourly rates for which there is a discrepancy between the old calculation method for hourly rates and Define Hourly Rates.





Define Hourly Rates

To access Hourly Rates Analysis:


maestro* > Time Management > Maintenance > Payroll > Define Hourly Rates

  1. Click on the Hourly Rates Analysis icon.
  2. Enter the required information in the Filter tab.

You can filter transactions for an employee, a range of employees, an employment category or all values.

If you check employees or work categories, the system displays data for all employees or work categories for the defined period in the Number of Pay Periods to be Analyzed field.

  1. Click on the Filter data according to specified parameters icon.
    A table containing the results of the filter is displayed in the Hourly Rates Detail tab.
  2. To close the option, click on Quit.


Last modification: February 21, 2025